(W)rites of Passage is over the moon to offer another Guest Author Workshop! This time we have the honor to learn from the esteemed, Susan Redington Bobby. If you would like to register for this class, please email us at writesofpassage13@gmail.com and we will tell you what to do. If you can show proof of purchase for one of Susan's books, including those she edited, and as long as you bought it new, you can get 10% off the price of the class.
WRITE A SPELL | ENHANCE YOUR SPELLWORK WITH POETRY: One of the many ways to raise the energy and intent of your spellwork is to write your ritual (or parts of it) in verse, but writing poetry for this purpose can be quite daunting for both the beginner and even the more experienced. This class and workshop will focus on a few easy to craft yet powerful poetic forms with an eye towards making the writing accessible so you can craft meaningful verse to enhance your spells. We will cover poems as short as 2-line types and a few longer forms as well as both rhyming and non-rhyming styles. You'll get to see lots of examples and you'll get the opportunity during class to practice different styles of spell-poems in a safe and supportive environment. You will leave class with 1-2 finished drafts of poems and lots of inspiration. Class is open to beginners to writing poetry as well as those with experience looking for further guidance (the same applies to baby witches and those more seasoned). Before class, please take some quiet time to journal about the kinds of spells you want to write in poetic verse and bring these ideas with you to the workshop.
WHEN & WHERE: August 24th, 2024 on Zoom from 11:00-2:30 MST (there will be a break somewhere in the middle and time for sharing and Q&A at the end)
COST: $77.00 (we pay visiting authors 70% and the rest goes to covering the time and energy to promote and host the workshops; there are always a few scholarship or sliding scale slots available—just inquire—as well as payment plans to be arranged; if you'd like to donate to the scholarship fund, please email us to get the details on how to do so).
Susan Redington Bobby is a practicing witch and the founder of Professor of Words, LLC, where she is an online teacher, an editor, a writing mentor, and a tutor. She is highly intuitive and able to "read" people through their writing and loves to teach people to be more confident writers and to deepen their knowledge and appreciation of literature and film. She is a retired professor of English with expertise in fairy tales, adolescent literature, goddess archetypes, magical realism, creative writing, and film studies. She is the author of Beyond His Dark Materials, the editor of Fairy Tales Reimagined, and co-editor of The Artemis Archetype in Popular Culture, as well as the Series Editor of Tales from Fiddler's Green. She is currently studying the Bardic Course in Druidy from OBOD (the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids). She maintains Mellie's Grove, a National Wildlife Federation certified backyard wildlife habitat that is home to a rescued and stabilized cat colony and all manner of wildlife. You can find out more about Susan or hire her for one of her many literary/magical services at: www.professorofwords.com. Her books are available here: www.amazon.com/stores/author/B00AFCW6NM